2025 Season Opens
Saturday April 12
8am to noon
Saturday April 12
8am to noon
Madison City Farmers Market is the area’s original local, producer-only farmers market, founded in 2007. Everything sold at the market is grown or crafted by local farmers and craftspeople.
Our vendors provide a wide selection of the freshest local veggies, fruits, cheese, eggs, meats, milk, herbs, honey, jams, relishes, home-baked goods, plants and flowers. Come see creations from local artisans including handmade cards, soaps, lotions, candles, wood crafts, sewn items and other handmade products. |
Located at 1088 Hughes Road, Madison, AL
The Madison City Farmers Market values your patronage.
Thank you for supporting local farms and food production.
Thank you for supporting local farms and food production.